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Main publications


Gullino, S. and Seetzen, H. and Pacchi, C. and Cerulli, C. (2019) Interpreting Patterns of Interaction between Civic Activism and Government Agency in Civic Crowdfunding Campaigns. Built Environment, 45 (2), pp. 248-267


Gullino S., Seetzen H. and Cerulli C., “Citizen-led micro-regeneration and the negotiation of new urban public spaces: A comparative case-study of civic crowdfunding in London”, in Bruzzese A., Chiappini L. and Fisker J.K. (eds) Alternative Spaces in the Urban Region, Routledge


Gullino S., Kaiser A., Khan H., Phillips A., Elwin A. and Edwards D. “New mothers’ experiences of the urban environment with their preterm infants involve complex social, emotional and psychological processes”, Acta Paediatrica¸ 106(3), pp.405-410.


Gullino S., “The Fluidity of Social Sustainability in spaces of movement: the case of the Art Stations in Naples, Italy”, in International Journal of Sustainable Society, 3(4), pp. 414-430.


Gullino S., “Urban regeneration and democratization of information access: CitiStat experience in Baltimore”, in Journal of Environmental Management, 90(6), pp.2012-2019.


Gullino S., “Public art in the underground stations of Naples”, in KIOSK, Kingston University, issue 03, pp. 79-84.


Gullino S., “Mixed Communities as a Means of Achieving Sustainable Communities: a comparison between US experiences and UK policy intentions”, in Local Economy, 23(3), pp.127-135.



Gullino S., “Urban regeneration in Baltimore: can CitiStat be one of the answers?”, in Bucher U. and Finca M., The Electronic City, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag (BWV), Berlin, pp. 247-260. pp. 247-254.


Gullino S., Haworth A. and Raco M., Urban regeneration and sustainable communities. Insights from the British experience, Milano: CLUP
Page 29 of 59


Morandi C. and Gullino S. (eds), Milano, experiments in urban design, Limena, Italy: LibreriaClup



Gullino, S., “Urban regeneration between past and future strategies”. In: Morandi, C. and Gullino, S., (eds.) Milano, experiments in urban design. Limena, Italy: LibreriaClup. pp. 17-24



Gullino S., “Il Millennium Village di Greenwich a Londra. Un progetto di rigenerazione urbana sostenibile”, in Paesaggio Urbano, n.6, pp.42-55.



Gullino S. and Casati A., “Esperienze di locale strategico: Agenzie di sviluppo locale e Agenda 21 nel nord milanese”, in Territorio, n.29/30, pp.99-104.

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